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Doing Business in Europe: Not the Challenges You Think
By Steve McLaughlin
If you plan to do sell your product or service in Europe the problems you encounter may not be the ones you expect. It''s easy to focus on perceived difficulties, such as the so-called "language barrier" Cheap Brandon Knight Shirt , while not noticing the real pitfalls - until it''s too late. I learned three lessons the hard way: appreciate the different cultures, understand the value of quality vs. speed Cheap Tyson Chandler Shirt , and know which foreign language is key to your business.
If you hope to compete with local firms in Europe you must understand European business cultures. Notice the use of the word of the word "cultures" - plural. When I first started doing business in Europe, three years ago Cheap Jared Dudley Shirt , one of the first things I learned was that the European business environment is much more diverse than in the States. Despite the introduction of the single currency, Europe is not a single business entity. Different countries retain different ways of doing things. Like many Americans doing business in Europe for the first time Cheap Elfrid Payton Shirt , I learned this the hard way. After a number of awkward meetings and deals that mysteriously didn''t go through I began to understand that it was a bad idea to deal with Europeans like I dealt with people back home.
The American business model prevails in northern Europe - with the UK and possibly Germany representing the nearest thing Europe has to a US-style approach. Businesses in former Easter Bloc countries that have recently joined the EU are also very US-friendly. During the Soviet years America represented freedom; American business can now reap the rewards of that iconic status.
The rest of "old Europe" is a little different and you should be aware of each country''s customs. Italy, for example Cheap Marquese Chriss Shirt , retains a way of doing business that might seem bureaucratic and patriarchal to Americans. Even Silvio Berlusconi - a good friend of US business - is known as "Papa" Berlusconi in some Italian circles. In France, a history of civil libertarianism twinned with state control that stretches back to the revolution of 1789 has nurtured a business culture that favors consensus rather than individual leadership. It''s important to do your research - not only on a country''s business structures but also on its general culture and history. It''s even more important to get to know the people. If you travel to Madrid to cut a deal having never before set foot in Spain you are at a disadvantage.