When a woman reaches a certain age, she should always have several bags of quality and quality. Although TAs are expensive, they can add brilliance to the overall look. And I always think that investing in a few big bags is not just about buying a lot of textures. The overall package should be cost effective. The first is to invest a lot of money in the early stages, but as long as it is properly maintained, its actual service life will be longer, and the user-friendly experience cannot match the "noisy" handbag.
When star celebrities buy Replica Luxury Bags, the actual considerations may not be as strong. They will buy (or get gifts from the brand) some styles and special styles. Ordinary people buy more big bags when they buy. Consider the universality and practicality of TA. So, if you are not a local tyrant who likes to burn money, when you save money to buy a bag, try to avoid overheated styles. Otherwise you will be embarrassed to accept this trend. Come back, dew is also a different idea, sort out my favorite list, I think it is very suitable for your reference. In addition, you can set the style of everyone's favorite package. For example, Dew has come to realize that his love for square and durable bags is better than everyday, stuffed bags or oddly shaped bags. Other JMS can be your favorite type and welcome. share it. The Chanel 2.55 bag is definitely the first, the classic wildness does not need to be repeated. Although other brands have launched similar chain packages, such as Dior's Miss Dior, but from the quality of work and price strength, Chanel won. If you only buy one, black is eternal.
Another IT package Chanel - Le Boy. It was red for a long time and it became another classic trend. For Le Boya, dew thinks that black is too conservative, but it is Burgundy, and the beauty of sapphire is reversed.
The second brand in the list is LV. It looks very vulgar. In fact, this is not the case. In Europe, only Hermes, Chanel and LV will not depreciate. LV's work has been recognized by many people, and the brand is very comprehensive. Puddle always thinks that L.V. falls into a vulgar title and is offended by some who brag about his wealth. The Speedy 30 LV is a classic that Hepburn likes. You can also choose an absolutely classic flower. Dew doesn't like shoulders. The person with the belt may be because someone on the street saw Spidi leaning behind him, a camel that was wide and temperamentless. I am sorry about this package. High speed will have to attack the ground, but it can hold, it will be more
Types of.
4. LV's Neverful is the same as Speedy and is a good starting point for buying luxury bags. There is nothing to say above. I have seen the beans carrying TA, everyone will understand that cheesy is not a bag, but a person who carries TA. It is recommended to choose an old flower.
5. When FBB disapproves of Alma, as long as she watches Serena in GG, she is very green and summer is mandatory. Alma BB is cute, but not very comfortable. If you choose a small bag, more and better choices, or the feeling of the hand is more fashionable, and there are many beautiful colors to choose from, just like a style without logo~
6. Another super favorite brand is FENDI. After watching the SATC, I was fascinated by French bread. It is very French and very elegant. If I choose a small bag, I am very inclined to Fendi's long stick~
Another Fendi icon is Peekaboo, a very cute name. This is also a glimpse of GG. I think this kind of nude color is very versatile and highly recommended. Whether you are on the street or going to work, this is a good choice. Fendi is not a bad street in China, so there is a MM person to try.
8. Another Fake Cheap Fendi Bag has also been very popular recently. The same elegant and simple 2 hours, many stars, such as SJP, are very fond of, maroon, sapphire is also very beautiful, yellow is very attractive, but also temperament. The requirements are relatively high. Along the way, black and white, the glamorous Olivia color bag instantly brightens the overall color, just like a simple MM MM change to prepare a colorful bag.
9. Dewdrop likes Dior's classic Lady Dior, but she doesn't think TA is suitable, but she still wears it. She seems to be more suitable for "creating" the lady's style. The hole is very narrow and it is inconvenient to fold things, it seems to be positive. It can hold X, but it is so beautiful... big red love.
10.Replica Givenchy Bags are also very strong recently, and all kinds of peas are very popular. I used to like nightingale TA, I like red, there is no black and white handsome guy on the street.